
Free dating for jewish singles

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History of immigration of Jewish people

The United Kingdom has the 5th largest Jewish population in the world, with a community of over 260.000 Jewish people, the U.K. has a proud history of Jewish immigration dating as far back as 1070.

The have been many Jewish politicians, even a Jewish prime minister Benjamin Disraeli (1837–1876) , Conservative MP in, the 19th and 20th the country gained a reputation for religious tolerance which as a result lead to an influx of Jewish immigration, then in the late 1930’s and 1940’s the country saw many Jews flee to Britain to escape the Nazis. The Jewish community having found safety and has continued to grow and thrive. The Jewish community in the U.K. is represented by a board of Deputies made up of British Jews, a democratically elected, cross communal Jewish representative body, with close to 300 Synagogues and Jewish organisations represented, it is regarded by the government as a legitimate voice of the Jewish people in the U.K.
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Religion and cultural life

26% of U.K. Jews define themselves as “traditional” 24% as “cultural” or secular 18% as “progressive” and 12% as “Orthodox” and 4% as “Ultra-Orthodox” or “ Haredi” with over half the Jews in the U.K. being affiliated to synagogues which belong to one of the main streams of Judaism.

Although there many important dates among the Jewish community The sabbath is the one most people are familiar with.

The sabbath begins on Friday at nightfall and carries through to nightfall on Saturday, which means it lasts about 25 hours. God commanded the Jewish people to observe the Sabbath and keep it holy as the fourth of Ten commandments. The Sabbath is part of a deal between God and the Jewish people, so celebrating it is a reminder of the covenant and an occasion to rejoice in God’s kept promises. During the Sabbath people don’t think about work or other stressful things. The Sabbath is also very much a time when families come together in the presence of God in their own homes. However, should you be far from loved ones and alone, singles and others with no families around them may form a group to celebrate Shabbat together.
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Jews and Dating in the U.K.

It goes without saying that never mind the app or online dating site you use to find the perfect match, ultimately it will his Mother who decides ladies! Should you date a Jewish girl then be warned she will always be on the phone to her Mother, Mothers represent and are the families, and families are really important to Jewish people. So, look on the upside what ever happens you will have a committed and loving Mother-in-law!!

When dating you will find that the “Jewish geography” helps immensely with ice breakers, as your date will probably know at least two people in your life, that is just how it works.

Some dating rules that you will need to take into account are, rooted in the rule “ Yichud” which in Hebrew means, that dating should be done in a public place, the idea being that the two people are not alone in the room and that there is a chance that someone could walk in at any time unexpectedly, this is to prevent temptation of touch and too much intimacy before the big day, the wedding. Nevertheless, be assured that a more creative touch like picnics in park are allowed, as is going out for a coffee, as here also the same risk of being seen applies. Equally something that needs to be understood, is just like with any faith the fundamental rules are important and need to be adhered, here things are more about being kind, considerate, sensitive and treating others the same way you would like to be treated in return. When people treat each other with kindness and respect, their dating experience will be positive regardless of what the relationship comes to.

So, all you need you now is a “shadchan” matchmaker and that is where comes in!
More informations there

A quick Jewish quiz to help you with your dating skills:

Must all Kosher food be blessed by a rabbi?
Is speed dating a Jewish concept?
How many commandments are there in the law of Moses also known as the Talmud?
Is there a difference between Yiddish and Hebrew?
Is Judaism a religion, a race or ethnicity?
Waging a “friend war” based on a bagel place preference is this a true or false fact?
Jewish summer camps the best years of everyone’s lives true or false?
A history of repression means that most Jewish people are incredibly pessimistic, true or false?

Must all Kosher food be blessed by a rabbi?

Not necessarily, sure a rabbi can bless the food that is consumed in mass, but Kosher in Judaism means any food that is fit for human consumption. Pigs are not considered to be Kosher and this has nothing to do with halal (fit for eating for Muslims). In fact, locusts and even giraffes are considered Kosher, however not as easy to find as your regular Kosher foods.

Is speed dating a Jewish concept?

Yes, it was invented by a rabbi in 1999.

How many commandments are there in the law of Moses also known as the Talmud?

There are 613, divided into three main categories: Mishpatim, edot and chukim.

Is there a difference between Yiddish and Hebrew?

Yiddish is the traditional Eastern European Jewish language, it is close to German and curses like “ schmuck” come from it, because of the massacres carried out on Yiddish-speaking villages in WWII, it has a become a language of grandmothers and is dying out. Hebrew is the language of modern Judaism.

Is Judaism a religion, a race or ethnicity?

All three! Yes, it is a world religion with spiritual practices but for many Jews it is their cultural identity. Through out history Jews were citizens of the countries they lived in, and not allowed to partake in culture around them, so wherever a Jewish community lived or lives this crafts a Jewish ethnicity. Race is a trickier question, but yes for many Jews, Jewish is a race.

Waging a “friend war” based on a bagel place preference is this a true or false fact?

True, do not joke about the bagel!

Jewish summer camps the best years of everyone’s lives true or false?

True oh so very true, the hardest part is figuring out who went to the best camp and when, many funny tales to heard here.

A history of repression means that most Jewish people are incredibly pessimistic, true or false?

Both, it depends on the traffic you are stuck in!


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